Evaluation / Report Cards:
This is how I evaluate a student's work, assignments, and tests:
For most class assignments, homework and non-benchmark tests I use a percentage grade (i.e. 18 out of 20 = 90%). My grading scale is as follows:
- 0-69% (Your student is struggling and needs a lot of extra help to understand the material or to use a skill.)
- 70-79% (Your student is starting to understand the material and knowing what to do, but still needs help to correctly use this skill.)
- 80 - 96% (Your student understands the material and knows what to do and gets most answers correct. They may need some occasional help.)
- 97 - 100% (Your student has mastered the material / skill, routinely gets all answers correct, and can work on their own.)
Whenever appropriate, I will use a rubric I created (I will always attach the rubric to the student's work) for a set number of points. On benchmark assessments, I will use a district created rubric (I will always attach the rubric whenever possible) for a set number of points.
Report cards are NOT reward cards. They are documents meant to inform parents of their child's progress in mastering skills and learning new concepts as required by the Connecticut Common Core Standards. Based on your child's classwork, effort, and overall progress, I will assign the following grades on report cards:
0-69%-Your child can not meet this standard at this time. Extra one-on-one help, reteaching / extra practice in the classroom, or specialist remediation is needed.
70-79%-Your child is starting to be able to meet this standard. He or she still needs extra support and some individualized classroom instruction and practice to meet this standard.
80 - 96%-Your child can meet this standard with grade appropriate or minimal help. Your child routinely demonstrates their understanding of the skill or concept with occasional help. Their completed work meets grade level expectations.
97 - 100% -Your child has clearly mastered this standard. Your child can demonstrate their mastery consistently and independently. Their completed work exceeds grade level expectations.