Yearbook Club
Yearbook Club
Coordinator: Kristen Grabowski
The TIS Yearbook Club will be held on Monday afternoons from 3:45 - 4:45 in Mrs. Grabowski's room (223) or upstairs Computer Lab (room 255).  Students will be dismissed to the front lobby at 4:45.  Parents should wait in lobby until students are dismissed. Please direct any questions to Mrs. Grabowski at [email protected].
Below is a list of meeting dates.  Students are expected to attend on scheduled team days.

2015-2016 Schedule
December 21st
*Wednesday, January 6th During Lunch/Recess time*
January 11th
Janaury 25th
February 8th
February 22nd
February 29th
March 14th
March 21st
March 28th
April 4th
**Additional meetings will be scheduled when yearbooks arrive in June**