Students should read 25 - 30 minutes each night.
This can be accomplished in a variety of ways:
* Student reads to self
* Student reads aloud to another person, pet or stuffed animals
* Student alternates reading with another reader
* Student listens to a book be read aloud.
Miscellaneous Information/Thoughts -
* Children should read or be read to 25 - 30 minutes a day.
* Turn off the T.V. during the school week. Read a book, play a game or talk instead.
* Visit the Public Library and borrow some books.
* Consider giving books as a present.
* Read a story aloud to your children - no matter how old they are.
* End your day in a pleasant way. Snuggle up and read with your child.
* Ideas for reading with your child.
Read to your child.
Listen to your child read.
Pair read with your child.
Take turns reading with your child. You read a paragraph or page, then they read.
* Parent's often ask how they can help their children become better readers. The answer is deceptively simple. Read to them and with them. Listen to them read. Let them see you read. The more a child is exposed to reading and listening to stories, the better reader they will become. Practice makes perfect. I often liken reading to learning to play the piano, tennis or golf or any activity for that matter. When parents pay money for lessons or drive a child back and forth to practice, they have a stake in the activity. These parents generally ensure that their child will practice the lessons learned that day. The same concept should apply to reading.
A professional tennis player will continually practice serving a ball. No matter how many prizes have been won, he/she will still practice serving, hitting or returning a tennis ball. The idea is practice, practice, practice.