Should I keep my child home or send him/her to school?
School policy(and/or state law) requires a child stay home if:
- Has a fever of 100.0 degrees or higher.
- Has been vomiting .
- Has a bad sore throat: this could mean Strep Throat, even if no fever is present. Other signs of strep throat are rash, stomach upset, and headache, even knee pain. Call your MD if this is suspected.
- Teach your child to cough/sneeze into their sleeve. Remember: SLEEVE THE SNEEZE!
24 Hour Rule:
- Fever: Your child has to be fever free for 24 hours WITHOUT the use of Tylenol or Motrin.
- Vomiting : Your child should stay home for 24 hours after the last time he/she vomited.
- Antibiotics: Your child should stay home for 24 hours after the FIRST dose of antibiotics has been given.
Any questions please contact Rose Hierl, RN or Laurie Clarke, LPN at the TIS Nurse’s Office @ 860-870-6891.