
Structured Literacy

Our program is called, Fundations.  Your child will bring home practice papers during the week as homework.




       Reading will be taught with a basal program by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt called Into Reading. This program is an integrated language approach that uses an anthology of children’s literature to teach reading strategies, comprehension, vocabulary, grammar, writing, phonics, spelling and study skills. Reading instruction will be conducted in both whole class lessons and small group differentiated lessons. The reading program will be supplemented with appropriate trade books.

     *We encourage students to read or be read to for 20 minutes each night.


We are working with a program called Bridges.  We will be focusing on multiplication this year. 

 *Students are also expected to practice their facts for 5 minutes each night.

The three major units that we cover in science are Forces and Motion, Fossils, Changing Environments, and Monarch Butterflies

Social Studies
The units we cover in social studies are,  Colonial Connecticut & Tolland, and Connecticut and Tolland in the 1800's.