Medication Administration in School

Procedure for Requesting Medication Administration - Tolland Public Schools

State Laws govern the administration of medicine (prescription and non-prescription) in schools.  Forms are available on our website or from the school nurse, doctor’s offices, emergency rooms, walk-in health offices, etc.

Medications cannot be administered during school hours when the desired effects can be achieved by home administration.

For each medication ordered, there must an Authorization for the Administration of Medicine in School form completed and on file in the school Health Office.  This form includes:

  1. physician’s written order.
  2. parent or guardian’s written authorization.

Medications to be administered at school must be:

  1. delivered to the school nurse by the parent/guardian.
  2. in a container, labeled by the pharmacist, specifically for school use.  The label must state the patient’s name, physician’s name, name and strength of the medicine, directions for administering, and date of original prescription. 

No more than a 3 month supply of medication may be kept in the health office.

At the end of the school year, the parent/guardian must pick up medications or the school nurse will dispose of them in accordance with Sec 10-212a-5-I4i of the Connecticut General Statues.

Please contact the school nurse if you have any questions!